Grand Chief Daughter Dona and Grand Deputy Eleni Louvaris-Barone visited their Long Island neighbors at Lady Lindsay Lodge #242.
The group also celebrated PGCD Margaret Cowie as her 102nd Birthday takes place on Sunday January 22. Happy Birthday Margaret! ![]() Grand Chief Daughter Dona is officially On the Road! From PGCD Jennette Marsden: Susan Blair Lodge #255 welcomed GCD Dona-Rae Sheridan for her first official visit on Thursday. January 12. We had a good time socializing with Dona at breakfast before the meeting. It was great to have her with us and we wish her good health and safe travels. ![]()
Our friends at the Scottish Banner were kind enough to send us an electronic copy of their November edition. There are kilted, shirtless men on the cover, so of course I have to share it with all of you.
They also have an online site where they share some of their content: Enjoy! On February 6th, 2020, GCD Cynthia visited the sisters of Kilwinning #203. Chief Daughter Susan Wilson welcomed the Grand Chief Daughter, Grand Deputy Rhonda Young and PGCD Doreen Dunn.
On February 5th 2020, GCD Cynthia visited Lady Barbara Lodge #263 in Auburn CA. Chief Daughter Amy Alfred welcome the Grand Chief Daughter, Grand Deputy Kay Bell and PGCD Doreen Dunn to the Lodge.
On January 11, Grand Chief Daughter Cynthia made her official visit to Monarch of the Glen #262 in Payson AZ. Chief Daughter Pro Tem PCD Dana Sipes welcomed the Grand Chief Daughter, Grand Deputy Christine Avenetti, GRS Janet Grant, GT2Y Susan Wallace and visiting sisters from Desert Thistle #260 and Lady Claire #261. Monarch of the Glen initiated a new sister during the meeting. The meeting was followed by a delicious lunch at the local casino.
On January 10, Grand Chief Daughter Cynthia visited Spirit of Alba Lodge #264 in Tucson AZ. Chief Daughter Mary Jane Petrovich welcomed the Grand Chief Daughter, Grand Deputy Georgette Wilds, GRS Janet Grant and GT2Y Susan Wallace to the meeting, which was preceded by a delicious dinner. Chaplain Pam Anderson made one of GCD Cynthia’s favorites, a Cherry Chocolate cake. Spirit of Alba initiated one new sister, who had tears in her eyes when we sang the Welcoming Ode. We were either really in tune that night, or exceptionally bad!
In between official visits, GCD Cynthia is busy seeing the sights in Arizona! We took our cowgirl GCD to the USA Clydesdale Preservation Foundation to visit the beautiful horses. Clydesdales are a Scottish breed of draft horses. Desert Thistle sister Nikki Schuller has been a volunteer with the Foundation for several years. The mission of this wonderful group is to preserve the Clydesdale breed and educate the public. There are only 5000 Clydesdales left in the world, which puts them on the “threatened” species list. If you’d like more information on the Clydesdales, or to make a donation, please visit their website: GCD Cynthia, GRS Janet, GT2Y Sue and our new Clydesdale friends PCD Helen Cisson is a volunteer at the Butterfly Wonderland, and she arranged a trip for the GCD. PCD Toni Sarcinella arranged the annual GCD Tea Cupping excursion in Scottsdale. While in Scottsdale, the GCD also had a Mexican lunch and seems to have lost her pants...
Grand Chief Daughter Cynthia made her official visit to Lady Claire #261 on Tuesday, January 7th. CD Alison Glenn greeted GCD Cynthia, GRS Janet Grant and GT2Y Sue Wallace. Lady Claire #261 has many new members in officer positions, and they did a wonderful job. After the meeting, there were hours d’oeuvres and a beautiful thistle cupcake/cake.